Facial Care Tips : What to Do and What to Avoid

Care to be taken while doing facial –

1) Make the client wear a gown for the facial so that the client’s clothes are not damaged.

2) A facial done lying on a facial bed feels more comfortable than a chair.

3) The room where the facial is to be done should be clean, tidy and quiet.

4) Hands should be clean, nails should not be grown

5) Materials used should be clean. Also wash all materials used.

6) The client should remove all jewelery before taking the facial. Also the operator should not wear too much jewellery. Because, the client is likely to have it or have difficulty.

7) If the operator has a skin disease or the operator is sick then she should not work in the parlor.

8) During facial massage the direction of massage should be outward.

9) There should be some kind of rhythmicity to the hands in the massage.

10) Avoid conversation between client and operator during facial. Because, the client needs to feel calm and comfortable during the facial.

11) If the cream is accidentally spilled while taking it, then the cream should not be used for massage.

12) Massage pressure should be as much as the client can tolerate. Massage pressure around the eyes should be low.

13) While doing facials, creams and packs should be selected according to the type of skin.

14) If there is an infection or dermatitis in the skin, consult a doctor for not doing a facial.

15) Materials used for one client like cream, cotton, bowl, napkin etc. should not be used for another client.

16) Used, napkins, towels, gowns, should not be used by other clients without being cleaned.

17) After a facial the hands should be washed thoroughly before the facial.

18) A client who has come from the sun should not be taken for a facial immediately.

19) A client with high blood pressure should be given a facial on a chair instead of a bed.

Who should do the facial ?

1) Those with dry skin should do a facial every two months or once a month.

2) Those with combination skin should have a facial once or twice in three to four months.

3) Facial should be done three months after delivery.

4) If a surgery has been done, after two to three months, a facial should be done with the help of a specialist.

5) Facials should be done during the fifth to seventh month of pregnancy with the doctor’s advice.

6) Those who have diseases like blood pressure, diabetes, rheumatism, asthma and are taking regular medication should have a facial once in two months.

7) If you have oily skin, do a facial every two to three months.

8) After completing 18 years of age, men and women can do facials.

Facial Care Tips: What to Do and What to Avoid
Photo Credit- pexels-anna-shvets-5069494

No one should do a facial –

1) Facial should not be done if there is skin disease.

2) Facials should not be done if pimples or acne are excessive.

3) Facials should not be done if there is a burn on the face.

4) Do not do facial if the eyes are swollen or swollen.

5) Facials should not be done during the first three months and during the eighth and ninth months of pregnancy.

6) Do not do facials if you are undergoing chemotherapy for a disease like cancer.

7) If you are prone to dizziness, don’t do facials without expert advice.

8) AIDS patients should not do facials if they have pimples or wounds on their face.

Facial Tips –

1) Facials should be done regularly and at short intervals.

2) Those with dry skin should massage with Shatavari oil daily.

3) Facials should not be done if there is a burn on the face.

4) Season and facial should be combined.

5) After washing the face, never cover the face with a towel from top to bottom.

6) Do not do facials if you are undergoing chemotherapy for a disease like cancer.

7) Always wash face with cold water as it improves blood circulation.

8) Ice should be applied immediately if steam is applied to the face.

9) Use almond oil to remove dark circles under the eyes.

10) The skin is not fully developed till the age of eighteen, so they should not do full massage facials.

11) Facials/massage should not be done during the first three months and eighth, ninth months of pregnancy.

12) Facial should be done three months after delivery.

13) If a surgery has been done, do a facial after two to three months with expert advice.

14) Face pack is used to keep the skin of the face tight.

15) Facial should be done every month after the age of 30.

16) Regular facials make facial skin long-lasting.

Facial Care Tips: What to Do and What to Avoid
Photo Credit- pexels-arina-krasnikova-6663368

Facial cream –

1) Orange Facial Massage Cream/Gel – For massage on oily skin, also on pimple treatment and for use with ultrasound machine.

2) Aloe Vera Facial Massage Cream/Gel – For treatment of dry, oily skin as well as for use with ultrasound machine.

3) Almond Cream – Used for dry skin with vitamin E oil. It works even if used on the skin every night before going to bed.

4) Sandalwood Cream – For facial massage for normal to oily skin.

5) Herbal cream :- For all skin types.

6) Cucumber Cream – (Cucumber) For normal to oily skin.

7) Fruit Cream – For all skin types.

8) Pineapple Cream – For all skin types.

9) All Purpose Cream – For all skin types. Also for massaging hands and feet.

10) Cold cream – In winter, to apply on face, neck, throat, hands and feet, massage.

11) Hand and Body Lotion – For application on hands and feet and whole body.

12) Moisturizer – For daily application to retain moisture in the skin and prevent wrinkles.

13) Sunscreen lotion – To protect the skin from the intense rays of the sun and to avoid tanning the skin. is used as

14) Skincare Lotion – For normal to oily skin to protect against sun rays and pollution.

15) Cleansing cream – for cleaning dry skin.

16) Cleansing Milk – For cleaning oily skin.

17) Astringent – For oily skin.

18) Skin Freshener / Skin Tonic – For dry skin.

19) Scrub – To remove dead skin cells and dirt and clean the skin deep down.

20) Rose water- to be mixed with face pack to give natural purity and fragrance.

21) Under Eye Cream – Apply this cream around the eyes every night before going to bed and gently massage with fingers to prevent dark circles under the eyes and protect the delicate skin from wrinkles. Keep it overnight and wash your eyes with plain water in the morning and use it regularly.

22) Camphor lotion – (camphor) – Disinfectant wound drying lotion Take 1 spoon of pimple pack and add half a spoon of camphor lotion in it. Combine and apply on acne prone skin. Give complete sand. Wash your face with cold water and apply an astringent. This treatment should be done every week till the fever goes away.

Facial Care Tips: What to Do and What to Avoid
Photo Credit- pexels-arina-krasnikova-6663565

Scrub Facial –

Scrub means scraping, scrub facial means scraping facial, what to remove by scraping is dead cells, dust, smoke, insects, oily secretions and accumulated white heads, black heads etc. which are stored on the skin. The skin can become beautiful, smooth, transparent only if this dirt on the skin is completely removed. This is why scrub facials are done in the parlour.

For any skin type –

1) Oily, rough skin.

2) Accumulation of dead cells on the skin.

3) Having white heads, black heads or come done on the skin.

4) Having rough skin.

5) Having spots or pits on the skin caused by pimples.

Don’t do it for anyone –

1) Sensitive skin.

2) Thin skin.

3) Acne or infected skin.

Facial Care Tips: What to Do and What to Avoid
Photo credit- pexels-anna-shvets-5069604

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